
NEW is for Everyone: Madison Park Christian Church believes that being made new is for everyone.

As a gospel-centered church, we exist to facilitate life-changing relationships with God and people. Madison Park Christian Church is passionate about helping people experience life change through engaging in a relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and through that relationship, experience and expand the Kingdom of God. We live out of a set of values that shape who we are as followers of Jesus, and those values influence what we do. We are far more than a location, a moment or an experience. We are the church gathered around the name of Jesus Christ, declaring that being made new is for everyone!

Mission: Life Change

The church was called on purpose, for a purpose, and it is important we remain committed to Christ’s call. Thus, we exist to facilitate the life-transforming relationships God wants everyone to have with him (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) and people. 


Core Values: 

Who we are is more important than what we do. However, who we are shapes what we do. Thus, we are a church committed to following the ways of Jesus and making disciples.

  • The Gospel our hope...
  • Prayer our strength...
  • Wisdom our compass...
  • Authentic our core...
  • Character our credibility…
  • Humility our posture... 
  • Relentless our commitment... 


Madison Park Christian Church is passionate about helping people experience life change through engaging in a relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and through that relationship, experiencing and expanding the Kingdom of God.

We believe that Jesus is God’s Son, a Savior to those who will receive him as Lord, the answer to our guilt and our example for living. Jesus, as the Son of God, is the foundation upon which all we preach and teach finds its authority and meaning.

We believe the Bible is God’s inspired Word, worthy of our study and application. We have no creed but Christ, no book but the Bible.

We believe there is but one Church, made up of all who are personally related to God through his Son, Jesus. We encourage the unity of all Christians and believe that this unity can be achieved when love for Christ is greater than love for man-made traditions. We do not claim to be the only Christians but strive to be Christians only.

We believe that real Christian unity is found within the diversity of its members. We are made up of Christians of many church backgrounds, including those with no church background at all. Having Christ in common is what makes the Church, builds relationships and strengthens our families and our community. At Madison Park Church, we describe ourselves as a “Christ-centered, Bible-teaching, non-denominational church.”

Christ-centered refers to the Lordship or authority of Jesus Christ in our church. We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God and that our church belongs to him. Upon that confession of faith, individual commitments are made and our congregation is built. (Matthew 16:15-18)

Bible-teaching refers to our belief that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Our teaching finds its authority not in psychology, philosophy or popular opinion but in the timeless truth of Scripture. Most who attend our worship services also find a group to attend where they can grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Bible. (2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16)

We are a locally autonomous congregation (we have no denominational affiliation). Men divide the Church with denominational labels, names and creeds, which is confusing to most. Our goal is not to lead people to be “Baptist” Christians, “Catholic” Christians, “Presbyterian” Christians, etc…but to simply be Christians. Though we are a locally autonomous congregation, there are many other churches like ours.

What is the Restoration Movement? It is simply a goal to make the Church in the New Testament our model, not the traditions and creeds found outside the Bible. For example, our leadership structure reflects practices found in the Bible. We practice baptism by immersion of believers, as is found in the New Testament (Acts 2:36-38, Mark 16:16). We offer “The Lord’s Supper” each week as an open communion for all believers (Luke 22:19, Acts 20:7). Our doctrine and practice is determined by the question, “What did the Church in the New Testament practice?”