
Students - Junior High Ministry

Junior High Ministry

JHM is a community for engaging junior high students, in real and meaningful ways, with their faith and their peers. Our ministry will walk alongside junior high students, using the scriptures to help navigate this awkwardly awesome season of life. Our hope is that students will know they are loved and feel empowered to share in the wrestlings of their spiritual journey. We will do our best to help students embrace Jesus as Savior and Lord of their life.

Sunday Mornings
9:00 & 10:30am Intergenerational worship services at the West Venue or online. This is also a great season to start serving in an area of passion and giftedness.


Current 5th-7th grade students have the opportunity to attend Emerge, June 22-27, at Discovery Ministries in Eminence, MO. 



Jason Southward, Elementary and Junior High Minister

Jason Southward

Elementary and Junior High Minister


Students - Senior High Ministry

Senior High Ministry

SHM is a community designed for high school students to be real as they seek to discover and build their identity. As a ministry, we want to encourage and challenge students through life change by sharing truth and life together. We use the Bible as our ultimate guide. We believe that a relationship with Jesus, as Savior and Lord, is as authentic as it gets.


Sunday Mornings: 

9:00 & 10:30am Intergenerational worship services at the West Venue or online. This is also a great season to start serving in an area of passion and giftedness.


Current 8th grade students through Graduating Seniors have the opportunity to attend Element, July 7-12, at Expeditions Unlimited in Baraboo, WI.



David Beuttel, Senior High & Young Adults Minister

David Beuttel

Senior High & Young Adults Minister